Keeping Your Phone Protected This Summer

Keeping Your Phone Protected This Summer The first full week of summer is in the books. With summer comes increased activity and more opportunities to break your phone. Before we look at how to protect your phone, let’s look at who and how phones get the broken the most frequently. AT&T released a report […]
What Did Apple Get Right with the iPhone 11?

What Did Apple Get Right with the iPhone 11? Apple’s newest iteration of its iPhone is wowing many consumers. Like we have seen with previous models, the iPhone 11 will be an easy phone for Apple to mass produce. Whereas, the iPhone X was a revolutionary design from Apple, moving away from the home […]
Why 5G Technology is the Future of Mobile?

Why 5G Technology is the Future of Mobile? What is 5G? Everyone has probably heard a mobile carrier talk about “5G” recently. So, what is it? Well, 5G refers to the 5th generation of mobile networks. Currently, most modern phones are using 4G LTE. Though it is fast, it doesn’t handle downloading large files […]
What Is Mobile Phone Data Recovery and How Does It Work?

What Is Mobile Phone Data Recovery and How Does It Work? Our phones are an extension of us, they give us the freedom to talk to anyone anywhere and keep track of our busy lives in a calendar, text messages, and various social media apps. We take pictures of events, celebrations, memories, and it’s […]