Credit-Based Buying Plans: Making the Latest Devices Accessible

In today’s rapidly progressing technological landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest devices can be a daunting financial challenge for many. New smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other gadgets seem to hit the market almost every other month, and keeping pace with these advancements can be expensive. That’s where credit-based buying plans come into play, and Genius […]
Reduce your tech stress through efficient services at Genius CPR

In the fast-paced digital world of today, technology is essential to our day-to-day existence. We mainly rely on these gadgets, from laptops and PCs to cellphones to keep in touch, entertain ourselves and work. However, tech issues and malfunctions are inevitable given the growing complexity of technology, which causes worry to the users. As a […]
Empowering Small Businesses with End-to-End Device Management, including B2B Repair, Protection Plans, and E-Waste Management

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and in today’s digital age, their success often hinges on the reliability and efficiency of their electronic devices. From smartphones and laptops to tablets and desktop computers, these tools are essential for operations, communication, and growth. However, small business owners face unique challenges when it comes to […]
Phone Repair: Finding a Trustworthy Repair Shop Near You

Phone Repair: Finding a Trustworthy Repair Shop Near You Phone repairs have become a normal occurrence in these difficult times. When a phone screen gets damaged, many times it is the best solution to repair the shattered screen. Replacing the phone may not always make economic sense if the repair is half of the […]
Choosing the right phone screen repair stores

Choosing the right phone screen repair stores It is impossible to imagine a day without smartphones. No wonder when they fail to function, our lives go imbalanced. Finding a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution for phone repairs is a problem that affects many and that precisely, is what we love to help you with. At […]
Smartphone Statistics

Smartphone Statistics Smartphones have become an integral part of most people’s lives. Today we are going to look at the numbers to show just how much we use our smartphones. Get your phone screen repairs with our Genius experts. Let’s break down a typical day, 8 hours of sleep, 1 hour of commute time and […]
Folding Smartwatches – Viable Technology or Gimmick?

Folding Smartwatches – Viable Technology or Gimmick? What is a Wearable Device? You may have heard the phrase wearable device, or even wearable technology. Most of us have more than likely seen advertisements and know someone who actually uses one. But what is it really? To make it easier for those of you who […]
What Did Apple Get Right with the iPhone 11?

What Did Apple Get Right with the iPhone 11? Apple’s newest iteration of its iPhone is wowing many consumers. Like we have seen with previous models, the iPhone 11 will be an easy phone for Apple to mass produce. Whereas, the iPhone X was a revolutionary design from Apple, moving away from the home […]
The Revolutionary App That Is Changing Athlete Training

The Revolutionary App That Is Changing Athlete Training What is Hudl? Hudl is a revolutionary software company transforming the way coaches and their athletes prepare for a game. For example, tools to edit and share game day footage, exchange stats, and easily create highlight reels for players looking to move to the next level. […]
What Is Mobile Phone Data Recovery and How Does It Work?

What Is Mobile Phone Data Recovery and How Does It Work? Our phones are an extension of us, they give us the freedom to talk to anyone anywhere and keep track of our busy lives in a calendar, text messages, and various social media apps. We take pictures of events, celebrations, memories, and it’s […]